Art Obsession: Inslee

Lately I feel like I’m constantly inspired by art. Prints like these by Inslee have caught my eye. When my roommate and I spotted the Blonde + Brunette, we knew we had to have it! It’s just too perfect!

Our newest project is to create a wall full of bright prints that inspire us. To get us started, I bought this adorable anchor. Hopefully one day soon our apartment will look like this!

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A Fabulous Fete

Check out the amazing calligraphy work of A Fabulous Fete. I simply love it. These signs and goodie bags would be the perfect addition to any party or wedding!

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Happy Friday! I hope you all have a happy and bright weekend ahead of you. And most importantly, don’t forget to have some fun!

On a side note, I simply adore these art prints by sugar paper. I’m pretty sure I need them along with all these other fabulous prints, note pads, & coasters! I think that’s it… I fully plan on hitting up their store in Santa Monica while I am there this weekend! Yipee!

Wish List: 3.1 Phillip Lim Satchel

gold + black perfection.

Find it here.

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DIY Gold Elephant

I would consider my first DIY project a success!

And even better — it only took 20 minutes!

See my inspiration here.

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Wish List: Zebra Hide Towel

A summer necessity.

{ navy / natural / coral }

Monday’s Mix: Gold Animals

To keep in the animal theme, I’ve decided to post about my most recent crush: miniature gold animals! I like them. A lot. So after seeing all these DIY go-getters online making their very own versions, I’ve decided I would give it a go. Last week I bought this little guy and am planning on giving it a fresh coat of shiny gold paint later tonight. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes : )

Photos: one, two, three

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Animal Kingdom

These animal necklaces by Elva Fields are amaze.

What animal are you?

{ Camel / Hippo / Lion }

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Let’s Celebrate!

Love you, mean it is ONE!

This past year has been such an amazing adventure. Thank you for joining me and I hope this next year will prove to be even better than the last! I still can’t believe anyone actually reads this thing, so thank you to all who continue to come back! I have big plans for year number two!

Cheers! xo


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Art Obsession: Lulie Wallace

I have a major crush on these painting by Lulie Wallace.